I'm quite often asked the same few questions over and over via email, so I thought I'd compile a list of FAQs and answers, so save both you and I some time!
Q: Can I write a guest post on your blog?
A: No. I don't accept unsolicited guest posts on my blog.
Q: Where did you receive your training?
A: I received my training to practice Holistic Health Coaching at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, and I have Holistic Health Practitioner certification through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and The International Association for Health Coaches. My Vegan Lifestyle Coaching certification is through Victoria Moran’s Vegan Lifestyle Academy. I also have a certificate in Plant Based Nutrition from eCornell University, and I also have Plant-Based Chef certification from Rouxbe.
Q: What do you the letters after your name mean?
A: CHHC means Certified Holistic Health Coach. AADP stands for the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, which is where my certification is from. VLC stands for Vegan Lifestyle Coach.
Q: I'd like to attend the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, can you tell me about your experience there?
A: I've been asked this question a lot, usually via email, and in the past I have spent a lot of time answering each person thoroughly, quite often without even a "thank you" response. I don't have the time to do this type of in-depth advising for free any longer. If you're interested in taking classes at any of the schools that I've attended, I would happy to talk with you, however, there is a fee for it.
Q: I'm just starting out as a coach myself. Would you be able to offer some advice?
A: Much like answering the question about IIN, I've spent a lot of time answering this question for free in the past, but I no longer have time for free advice.
Q: Would you be willing to review my product or book?
A: I do love reviewing cookbooks! In order to review a cookbook here on Dianne's Vegan Kitchen, I ask that I am able reprint a recipe and that I am allowed to offer a copy of the book to giveaway to my readers.
If you'd like to speak with me about reviewing a product, I'd be happy to send you my media kit and discuss my rates with you. I can offer sponsored posts and recipe creation on Dianne's Vegan Kitchen.
If you do send me something to try, and I don't think it is a good fit for my website or I don't like it, I will refrain from posting a review rather than post something negative.
Q: Can I make your recipes without a certain ingredient? (such as nuts, oil, salt, gluten, and soy?)
A: I get asked about substituting ingredients from time to time, and the answer is almost always "I don't know," because I've never tried to make it without the ingredient in question. If you'd like to experiment with substitutions, please do, but keep in mind that I can't guarantee it will turn out the way I've intended it to.
Q: Did you know that Arbonne products are all vegan and that they offer a vegan protein powder?
A. Yes. Yes, I do know that.